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Gambling problems

Gambling problems
17 min

How to get rid of betting addiction

How to get rid of your betting addiction. ✔️ What should I do if I want to stop betting? ✔️ How to help someone quit betting? ✔️ All about how to stop betting and get rid of your betting addiction.
Gambling problems
20 min

Gambling addiction: Symptoms, consequences and treatment options

Gambling addiction. ⇒ Symptoms, consequences and treatment options. ✔️ Why do people believe they can make money from gambling? ✔️ How can gambling addiction be treated? ✔️ All about gambling addiction.
Gambling problems
13 min

Life with a gambler

Life with a gambler ⇒ What to do if a loved one is addicted to gambling? ✔️ The effects of gambling on life and relationships. ✔️ What to do if you share a life with a gambler. ✔️ How to rebuild trust in a relationship.
Gambling problems
11 min

Loan rejection due to betting

What to do if you are refused a loan because of betting. ✔️ Reasons for loan rejection. ✔️ Does a bank have the right to refuse a loan because of betting? ✔️ What should I do to prevent the bank from rejecting my loan? ✔️ All about being refused a loan because of betting.
Gambling problems
19 min

How to help a gambler

How to help a gambler. ⇒ What to do and what not to do when a partner is addicted to betting. ✔️ How to prevent a return to gambling. ✔️ All about how best to help a gambler.
Gambling problems
16 min

How to treat a gambler

How to treat a gambler. ⇒ How to start a conversation about problem gambling? ✔️ What if he doesn't want to solve the problem? ✔️ What to do if he wants to borrow money? ✔️ All about how to treat a gambler.
Gambling problems
14 min

Outpatient treatment for gambling

Outpatient treatment for gambling ⇒ How it works and helps. ✔️ For whom outpatient gambling treatment is suitable. ✔️ Everything you need to know.
Gambling problems
17 min

Stages of gambling

The Four Stages of Gambling ⇒ The stages of winning, losing, despair and hopelessness. ✔️ How to recognize the phases of gambling. ✔️ Where to seek help. ✔️ Four steps to recovery from gambling.
Gambling problems
14 min

Causes of gambling

Causes of gambling ⇒ How to prevent gambling addiction. ✔️ The most common causes of gambling. ✔️ Ways to prevent gambling addiction. ✔️ All about the causes and prevention of gambling.
Gambling problems
14 min

What is gambling

What is gambling? ⇒ Myths and facts about gambling. ✔️ How to spot a gambler and gambling addiction. ✔️ When is gambling fun and when is it a problem? ✔️ All about gambling.
Gambling problems
7 min

First steps after discharge and return to normal life

Returning from rehab to normal life. How to behave and what to watch out for? Key tips for successfully completing treatment and not falling back.
Gambling problems
5 min

The role of psychotherapy in the treatment of gambling addiction

How does psychotherapy help in the treatment of gambling and other addictions? What to expect from a psychotherapy session and how to approach it?
Gambling problems
14 min

Treatment for gambling and gambling addiction

Treatment for gambling and gambling addiction. ⇒ How to recognize a gambling addiction. ✔️ Available treatment options for gambling addiction. ✔️ Where to find help for gambling addiction.
Gambling problems
5 min

Addiction to gambling in the family environment

How to recognize addiction in a family member? How can you support and help your loved one or friend to deal with gambling or other addictions?
Gambling problems
6 min

What is addiction and what are its types

What is addiction and how do you recognize the first and advanced stages of addiction to a particular activity or substance? Basic points to recognize addiction.
Gambling problems
5 min

How to communicate with the community and seek professional help for gambling problems

How to properly communicate with loved ones about problem gambling? Where and how to seek professional help and how to communicate with them?
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